Time for Spring Cleaning: For your Thinking

David Olsen, Ph.D, LCSW

In the middle of March we all assumed that spring would come early! Skiing/snowboarding was limited and it looked like the warmth of spring was around the corner. I even saw some people out raking their yards. Then the snow began… further delaying the warmth of spring. Finally, spring is starting to arrive and with it our thoughts turn to the inevitable spring clean up; time to get rid of extra leaves, branches, and the accumulation of winter to allow new growth to appear. There is nothing like the resurrection of spring to bring about new life and the hope of new beginnings.

As we think about the joys of spring, perhaps take a minute to think about doing a personal clean up by beginning to clean up your thinking to allow for growth and creativity. Here are a few suggestions:

Use the metaphor of spring clean up to begin to explore how your thinking may be blocking your growth both individually and relationally. “Cleaning up” your thinking may allow for new growth possibilities and healthier relationships.